Bathroom Flip-Flops

I’m so happy that Sen. Larry “Wide Stance” Craig is thinking of taking back his resignation from the Senate. It’s such a shame that scandals get swept under the rug so fast these days. There’s hardly enough time to enjoy the spectacle, especially when things happen on Labor Day weekend and get lost in the news cycle.

Craig wants to take back his resignation (“I didn’t say cross my heart”) AND take back his guilty plea of the misdemeanor charges in Minnesota. Maybe he made the guilty plea under the assumption that “What happens in Minnesota, stays in Minnesota.” But if he takes back his resignation, is he saying that he really did make a pass in the bathroom stalls? If he takes back his guilty plea, is he saying he DIDN’T do it? Can he get back his committee assignments if he admits that he’s only gay in airports and pledges from now on to take the train?