Stuart Dybek a Real Genius

Congratulations to Chicago writer Stuart Dybek for being awarded a Macarthur Foundation Genius Grant! He’s one of my favorite writers, and I urge anyone who would like to have a taste of what it’s like to live and grow up in Chicago to check out any of his books, I Sailed With Magellan, The Coast of Chicago and Childhood and Other Neighborhoods. They are the types of reads that I get halfway through and then place on my bedstand for months, because I never want the books to end.

The grant awards Dybek $500K, which he told the Sun-Times will allow him to concentrate on three books he has on the burner.

Of course, the process of choosing a Macarthur Genius is a murky affair worthy of the Skull & Bones. Anyone can apply, but few are chosen. For a peek at the official application, click here. Try as I might, I never could get that spoon to hang from my nose.

3 Replies to “Stuart Dybek a Real Genius”

  1. oh dear, guess i am not a genius; i missed the misspelling of address. guess i will just have to keep splitting my infinitives and the like.

  2. I’ve loved Dybek since he spoke to my English class in college. Terrific writer. He’ll be at the Chicago History Museum on October 10.

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