Joe Torre Haiku Contest

Since BARDBALL.COM isn’t structured to give announcements like this, I’ll do it here: A reader has alerted me to a contest by the New York Times to write a haiku about Joe Torre’s exit as manager of the Yankees. Here’s my favorite so far:

Patience rewarded:
Boss takes back ultimatum
Joe says “Go to hell.”

First the Cubs and their limerick contest, now a Joe Torre haiku-a-rama. It looks to me as if baseball poetry is a-sweepin’ the nation. Did it all start slowly, when Bart Giamatti was commissioner? Or are the station breaks between innings getting so long that people are taking their pads to the ballpark and tickling their muses?

One Reply to “Joe Torre Haiku Contest”

  1. Hello webmaster…I Googled for joe torre, but found your page about Joe Torre Haiku Contest…and have to say thanks. nice read.

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