Thank God THAT’S Over With!

Last night was certainly a momentous event in history, and it came none too soon. After a long, drawn-out battle, Barack Obama was finally elected President of the United States! I wasn’t sure I’d see it in my lifetime, our country pulling together behind a charismatic candidate of color, ready to lead us to new realities in the 21st century. After seeing last night’s speech, I’m thinking the future looks awfully bright again.

Wait. What? I came in the middle of the thing. Who’s the old white-haired troll in the blue suit they keep showing footage of? He reminds me of Hans Moleman from The Simpsons. Like he was a little winded from climbing up to the podium. I’ll have to check out his speech today online, see if there’s any news about the Mystery at the Old Well.

And that woman with the bobbed hair? I never saw such a big audience at a taping for the Psychic Network. I know all about the premise of that book, The Secret–that you just have to believe in something enough and visualize it, and you’ll be rewarded with all the happiness you deserve in life. But is it necessary to have a couple thousand of your friends on hand to help you visualize it? None of them looked very happy to be there. They must have owed her a favor or something.

But enough of my channel-surfing habits. Congrats to President Obama, the first president to come from the South Side of Chicago!! Whoda tought a dat?