Poetry on Steroids


Despite the pressures of my muse,
While writing this, I did not juice.
I might be subtler, more profound,
With cultured people’s praises crowned,
If performance enhancers I had downed.

Yet every morn I grab my pen.
I’m swinging for the fence again,
Honing mood and tone and meter,
Shunning erudite Velveeta,
While the gimlet-eyed all mutter, “Cheater.”

If offered Poet Growth Hormone,
Speaking for myself alone,
I’d shun sub-dermal shots in favor
Of a potion with robust flavor
Robert Burns was said to savor.

Boost the power of my thinkage?
Not when the tincture causes shrinkage
To my oeuvre. Tis too great a risk
I’ll be marooned on a copy desk,
My good name and my asterisk.

UPDATE: Please check the comments to this post for a poetical rebuttal from Jim U-Boat, The Poet Laureate of Calumet City, Illinois.

2 Replies to “Poetry on Steroids”

  1. Poetry Juice

    Ok, ok, I will admit…
    I might have had a single hit
    Of poet juice (back then new-fangled)
    – To be their laureate I angled
    When Cal City’s wreath to me was dangled

    A guy I knew who would not bluff
    Said, “try a little of this stuff.
    It’ll only cost you one thin dime
    And in a very little time
    All your poetry will rhyme.”

    (Poetry that does not rhyme
    was, I thought, an awful crime)
    The pill was in a tiny jar
    I downed it with a PBR
    And dreamt I’d be a superstar

    The juice just gave a week of work
    And brought with it a nagging quirk
    The seller was not telling me
    The rhymes were all in Bengali
    I’ve been juice free since ‘93

    Jim U-Boat
    Poet Laureate of Calumet City, IL

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