It’s here it’s here it’s finally HERE!!!!!

Jane Goodall gots the GOODS!

Quit your job!
Take off your pants!
Swing from the rafters!
Dress like a cowboy and ride a dog!
Fling some poop!


It's Hopalong Bongo!

Tease a fundamentalist!
Go see King Kong!
Order a Monkey Phone Call for your friends!
Masturbate like you mean it!
Buy a million typewriters and call a million of your monkey friends and type the complete works of Shakespeare!
Evolve, for God’s sake!


It's the least we can do
Image from the Taipei Times.

Why Do Creationists Hate Monkeys? Part III

The possibility of foundling baskets on their doorsteps.

Da-da!  Da-da!

Note pinned to blanket: “Dear John, I did so enjoy our time together in Borneo when you were on your mission trip. Please take good care of little Benji here. Doesn’t he have your eyes and happy expression? Don’t try to contact me, it would never work out–I’m headed for the tree canopy for good. Love always, Bongo.”


Keith Olbermann on MSNBC takes on the thankless task of listing the top ten monkeys in American culture. Talk about a contentious topic for the water cooler!

I’m glad he stuck his neck out and voiced his opinion, but among all the important simians he omitted perhaps the best use of monkeys on television ever, “Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp.” I hope the list will be revised soon, possibly eliminating that hack Bonzo–he rode Reagan’s coattails for his entire career.

And let’s not forget Lancelot’s side project, the proto-simian garage band the Evolution Revolution. (Oh, longing for the days when that kind of title was merely a joke and not a politicaly rallying cry.) Perhaps my affection stems from the way my dad, years earlier, used to mock rock and roll on the radio as “monkey music.” Who knows? Who cares? Rock on, Lancelot!